Make a lasting impact on the life and ministry of Spirit & Life Seminary students! Invest in an SLS Scholarship Fund!

Objectives & Opportunities

One of the objectives of Spirit & Life Seminary is to provide an affordable quality education to those called to ministry. This cannot be possible without the contributions of donors. Scholarship Funds provide contributors with a unique opportunity to:

  • Memorialize or honor a loved one with a scholarship in that person’s name.
  • Provide financial aid to students in a particular field, such as pastoral ministry, counseling, youth or children’s ministry.
  • Assist students with financial or personal hardships.
  • Honor students who have made a significant impact in their local church or community.
  • Bless specific types of students based on personal characteristics, ethnic or cultural background, gender, or geographic origin.

If you would like to establish or contribute towards a scholarship fund, please fill out the form below. If you would like to discuss funding, contact us via email or call (423) 559-5508. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and 100% will go toward the scholarship you designate.